GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance
BIO-REM is committed to:
– to ensure compliance with relevant GMP+ documents, applicable legislation and customer needs;
– to adapt to the context and the objectives set;
– to define and evaluate the objectives of the FSMS feed safety management system, such as:
– Compliance with applicable legal and voluntary requirements
– Obtaining and maintaining GMP+ certification
– Sales of GMP+ certified products
(a) in line with the feed safety policy and applicable legal requirements;
- b) quantifiable;
- c) monitored and verified;
- d) press releases;
- e) maintained and reviewed as appropriate;
- f) stored as documented information.
– manage internal and external communications applicable to the FSMS feed safety management system;
– the continuous improvement of the feed safety management system (FSMS) and what is necessary to increase knowledge on safety;
– to keep the Quality Policy as documented information;
– to communicate and apply the Quality Policy within the company;
– to make it available to interested parties.
– to meet quality, HACCP and GMP + system requirements and maintain the agreed level of product quality and safety.
Padova, 08.11.22